The E-ssentials To Reproductive Health

Without Vitamin E the body can not reproduce. Alpha-tocopherol is the active form of vitamin E, and it literally means to bear offspring or "to bear children". 


Primary Benefits of Vitamin E

Vitamin E functions primarily as an antioxidant, protecting cell membranes from oxidative damage. It has been shown especially effective for protecting nerve cells, red blood cells, and immune system function; aiding in the prevention of and healing of neurological disorders, chronic viral illness, and anemia. Several studies have been performed in relation to fertility health, revealing its importance for reproductive function and health.

Vitamin E Supplementation

Raw vegetable oils


Nut butter

Rice Bran oil



Green leafy vegetables






How does low Vitamin E affect the body?

Celiac disease

Cystic fibrosis

Premature infants

Sickel cell anemia and similar red blood cell disorders

Fibrocystic Breast disease